During a natural disaster like a hurricane or major flood, communities rally together to help each other out and get through a disaster. To help coordinate different efforts, local areas are often used. Emergency fuel services can go a long way in providing the gas needed for utility trucks, emergency vehicles, and other equipment.
One area where an emergency fueling station may be set up is at a local school. There are many benefits to utilizing a local school for the emergency fuel station. Learn about the benefits and multiple ways a fueling station helps during emergencies.
A school often acts as a central hub for a community. The inside of the school may be used as a shelter or a place for meals. Utility trucks may rely on a school to meet up and make plans. With the fueling station located directly at the school, there is an opportunity to refuel trucks directly on the property.
With an easy to find location, all types of vehicles will have the ability to refuel and then go back out to help with various forms of relief efforts. If there are multiple schools in the area, multiple fuel stations may be set up as well.
The use of fuel stations helps keep multiple options open while providing everyone in the local area a chance to refuel where needed.
Not only are school locations typically easy to find, but the school property often has easy access for the large fuel trucks and station equipment. When a school has parking lots big enough for multiple school buses, there will be no worries when setting up a fuel station.
Many schools will also have plenty of extra space for other cars and vehicles. For example, half of the parking lot could be designated for the fuel station and areas for trucks to stop and get fuel. The second half could be for parking or for any type of emergency vehicle that uses the school as their central hub.
Some schools may have a front lot for buses and a side or back lot for cars. Utilizing just the bus area for the fueling stations gives plenty of extra space for other needs. Other lots or locations within a town may not have the proper space for the fueling station access.
During an emergency situation like a hurricane, school buses may be used in the aftermath for the transportation of people or the collection of donated goods like water and food. In an effort to help with the school buses, an on-site fueling station may help provide all the buses with fuel.
By giving buses fuel directly at the school, there is less delay as buses attempt to find working fuel stations somewhere else. The buses can fill up on gas instantly and get back on the road to continue various services the buses supply.
During an emergency, the school itself may run on a large generator to help supply heat and hot water for anyone using the location as an emergency shelter. The fueling station could also provide extra fuel to the generator.
When the generator runs low on fuel, the school would not have to wait for an emergency delivery if the fuel is located directly on-site. The instant access to the fuel allows the generator to constantly run and provide the school with power as needed.
The ability to have power allows anyone in the school to stay informed through possible television or internet connections.
For more information on our emergency fuel services, contact us at Paul Murray Oil, Inc . We have years of experience and the ability to provide you with fast and professional emergency fueling services during any disaster.
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Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm • Sat - Sun: Closed •
24-Hour Emergency Service for Commercial Customers
2900 Phoenix Ave,
Jacksonville, FL 32206